If you are using WebSphere Application Server in your environment then most probably you will end up using IHS and as an administrator, you must know the installation procedure of IBM HTTP Server. In this article, I will explain how to install IHS on Linux environment using IBM Installation Manager. Let’s get it started…

Launch IBM Installation Manager

Click on File » Preferences Click on Add Repository and use the following repository link

Click on OK Enter the IBM ID and click on OK again

Click on OK on Preferences window

 Click Install on IBM IM Window. It will start the installation wizard. Select the product in the list and click on Next

Accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next Leave the default path for creating a new package group and click Next

Select the architecture between 32-bit or 64-bit and click Next. In this demonstration, I will proceed with 64 bit.

Enter the port number you wish to keep for IHS and click Next

Review the information on Summary window and click Install

It may take few minutes and once done you will have installation confirmation. Click finish.

Great! You have installed IBM HTTP Server 8.5.5 successfully. It’s time to start the IHS and verify the installation.

Go to path where IHS is installed

Execute apachectl command to start the web server

Access the web server with server IP or hostname to see the IHS default page.

Well done! You have verified the IBM HTTP Server installation. Next, you would be interested in integrating IHS with WebSphere as explained here.

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