React is the most popular UI library for any web app development project. Moreover, you can create a set of UIs for a web app and reuse the same for other apps like server-side apps or mobile apps (using React Native). However, finding trusted and reliable React templates for business-level web app development is quite challenging. There could be many free and paid options, but you may not want to trust every platform blindly. We have done thorough research for React template portals and listed below in this article. Read the article until the end to find the ultimate list of the best React templates money can buy.    

#1. Flexibility in Development

React UI has a flexible and modular development structure compared to its competitors. Hence, you can effortlessly update various parts of your React-based web app faster than others. Also, you can scale up the web app instantly when traffic increases suddenly. 

#2. Fast-Paced Web App Building

ReactJS empowers developers to utilize various components from the server side and client side. And that does not cause rippling modifications throughout the web app codebase. Consequently, the pace of the development process increases drastically.  

#3. Reusable UI Components

Since UI development on ReactJs is a modular approach, you can export and import UI components to and from another project.  Web app development agencies can use the code base of a previous web app project to create the same app with different company branding almost instantly.  Whether you use React in your agency or a business, you will save money, development effort, and development time. 

#4. Web App Performance

One of the major benefits of using ReactJS is that it makes your web app a high performer and withstands a huge traffic load. The core of the React UI development framework offers server-side rendering and a virtual DOM program. Such advanced features enable complex web apps to run faster in most web browser ecosystems.

#5. Developer Toolkit

ReactJS UI development framework offers top designing and debugging tools. It comes with an out-of-the-box browser extension for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. The web add-on is known as the React Developer Tools.  You and your web app development team can use this React extension to monitor reactive components in the right-hand sidebar of your preferred web browser. You can do the following things on the extension: 

Monitor reactive component hierarchies  Discover parent and child components  Inspect the current properties and states of the parent/child components

#6. Stable Code Base

The UI development process on React happens on a single-way data flow. Thus, making minor modifications to the child UI structures will not disturb the parent UI structure components. In a nutshell, you get a highly stable code base for your web app that can withstand modifications and updates even when the app is live.  

#7. React Native Compatible

Since businesses are going mobile at a faster pace than you can imagine, likely, you will also need to develop a smartphone version of your web app to stay in the competition. You do not need to start from scratch to build UI components for your mobile app since ReactJS easily supports React Native.  

What Is a React Template? 

React is very popular for developing dynamic user interfaces with dashboards, charts, numerical figures, etc. Many ReactJS developers build ready-to-use React UI templates or React Dashboards for mass consumption. These templates are primarily based on ReactJS, so you can instantly incorporate the dashboards into your ongoing website or web app development projects. A React template could consist of any or all of the mentioned below:

Various dashboard themesDifferent dashboards or dynamic chart pagesSeveral charts, like bar graphs, pie charts, Gantt charts, pivot tables, etc.Stand-alone UI componentsPre-built UI designsBackground themes and stylesFonts and typefacesIcons and logosColor palettesData librariesPluginsWidgets

A React template can be a full-service website, an individual web app, or a set of customizable UI elements.  All these depend on the template you choose. Most template portals mention all the features, components, and development details. Now that you have gone through the basics of ReactJS development templates, it is time to learn about some popular platforms that host high-quality React templates.

MUI Store

MUI Store is where you will find all the react templates and tools necessary for your next development project. It has a collection of the best React templates curated by the creators of this platform. The license fees for templates vary in price, so that you can pick the ones within your budget.  Admin and dashboard, landing and corporate, and eCommerce are some categories of templates available here. Opening each template entry will let you see its features, reviews, changelog, version, and release date. Checking out the live preview of the template before buying is also possible.


ThemeForest is another wonderful platform where you can get more than 400 react templates created by independent web designers and developers. You can sort the templates based on best sellers, newest, trending, best-rated, etc. While browsing, users can click on Add to Collection, Add to Cart, Live Preview, and Toggle Favorites. You can also look at the template price, sale count, and last update time.  Visiting the reviews and comments sections, you can learn what the users have to say about a template. You can choose between the regular and extensive licenses of each template based on your requirement and budget. In the Support tab, you will get information about item support included and not included with the item.

Creative Tim

Creative Tim hosts a wide range of React templates and themes — all developed by Creative Tim. The themes can be sorted by newest item, highest price, lowest price, and most downloaded. Hovering your cursor on a template, you can check its pricing details, live preview, or more details. The additional details include template ratings, reviews, documents, a free live demo option, and product descriptions. Moreover, product version, release date, update date, changelog, and download count are some essential info you can get about your template. Here, you will mostly find admin dashboard templates that can be used to build various similar applications.


To reduce your app development time and effort, visit CoreUI to get your free React template. This website can discover a range of simple yet customizable React templates. Using these, developing modern, catchy, and responsive React app become an effortless process. This platform offers open-source react admin dashboard templates that use enterprise-grade UI Component Libraries. As a result, you can develop dependable web apps faster than before. These templates are compatible with popular frameworks, including Angular, Bootstrap, and Vue framework.


On Flatlogic, you can purchase your favorite React templates and themes. Here, you get a collection of popular and proven React templates with components and theme support. Moreover, all templates available here are built with the Flatlogic platform. It lets you sort the templates based on pricing, most downloaded, trending, and new arrivals. After you open a template, you can check its live preview and read the documentation.  The templates contain user reviews and reactions, so you can make an informed decision before buying. The template feature and changelog are also available on Flatlogic.

Envato Elements 

Envato Elements boasts more than 170 react web templates you can easily purchase for your app. It means picking up a template from this versatile collection is easy. You can directly download it in one click or add it to the collection for checking out later. Here, you can find templates for eCommerce, landing pages, real estate, construction, multipurpose admin, gaming, booking, architecture, interior designing, NFT portfolio, creative business, etc.  Envato Elements also allows you to sort the templates based on popularity, relevance, and newness. Moreover, you can open each template to find more information about that, such as file type, commercial license, and additions.


Codester is a top-rated platform for various React templates and source codes. The templates available here include full applications you can use directly to make your next app. From marketing to the music player, from real estate to office HR app — no matter which app you want to make, this platform will get your back. You can sort the templates available on Codester based on the highest price, lowest price, best ratings, and other criteria. One can like the templates or bookmark them to check them later. By selecting each template, you can find its required specification, supported OS, release date, and more.

Final Thoughts 

The React template portals mentioned above offer paid and free templates for your upcoming projects. Choose the one that meets your web app requirement and design criteria to start the development phase.  You may also be interested in learning more about React vs. React Native.

7 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 607 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 927 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 387 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 537 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 227 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 437 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 427 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 97 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 507 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 117 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 997 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 957 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 797 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 537 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 497 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 77 Top Resources to Buy React Templates From - 83