Dennis Des Nilsen Is Far From David Tennant S First Psychopath Role

As Nilsen, Tennant pulled off what every actor hopes to in a real-life role – a disappearing trick. He slid clean inside the role, leaving no trace of The Doctor, or Simon from There She Goes, or the demon Crowley, or Alec Hardy, or his funny, self-deprecating public persona. For those three hours on screen, he was nothing but Nilsen. The role is one in a long line of on-screen psychopaths for Tennant....

November 17, 2022 · 5 min · 987 words · Patricia Watkins

Differences Between Flask And Django

Django and Flask are famous Python web frameworks for developing web-based applications. Being conversant with Python already shortens your learning curve in either of these frameworks. To help you understand Django and Flask profoundly, we shall individually look at them in detail. This article will cover what Flask and Django are, their differences in terms of their unique features, and their pros and cons. Let’s get right into it now....

November 17, 2022 · 7 min · 1351 words · Ann Scott

Doctor Sleep Ending Explained

All roads lead back to the Overlook Hotel for Dan Torrance (Ewan McGregor), the scarred protagonist of Doctor Sleep. Being a sequel to The Shining, arguably the best haunted house story ever told on the page and the big screen, this is the only way this story could end. But this ending is not all that it seems. While generally faithful to how Stephen King‘s sequel novel ends, it also brings into play the writer’s original, explosive conclusion to The Shining novel....

November 17, 2022 · 6 min · 1067 words · Brenda Ferrante

Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Hints At Mcu Doctor Doom

With Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness now available to stream on Disney+, fans can slow things down and look closely at the many easter eggs hidden in the movie. Unsurprisingly, the cameo-laden Illuminati scene gets the most attention, in which Professor Xavier of the X-Men and the Black Bolt of Inhumans return to screen. Even more surprising was the appearance of “the world’s smartest man” Reed Richards, aka Mr....

November 17, 2022 · 2 min · 361 words · Joseph Gilmore

Doctor Who Flux Did The Time Lords Create The Weeping Angels

The Weeping Angels are back, and they are not playing. To be honest, even attempting another Weeping Angels episode is a pretty brave feat in itself. Moffat’s trilogy of stories pretty covered all the bases. ‘Blink’ established the rules for Angels. ‘The Time of the Angels/Flesh and Stone’ gave them the Aliens treatment (more of them, and now they’re fighting people with guns). ‘The Angels Take Manhattan’ showed us what happened when the Angels won, with a New York hotel turned into a Weeping Angels battery farm....

November 17, 2022 · 5 min · 960 words · Edward Battaglia

Doctor Who Flux What Is Swarm And Azure S Plan

He waited. He planned. And now, he’s going to execute. That’s what Swarm told Division Agent K-Toscs before doing exactly that and blasting her into a billion pieces of glittery cloud with the touch of his hand in ‘The Halloween Apocalypse‘. Swarm had already paralysed and drained her boss of life, absorbing her energy to fuel his revivifying ‘renewal’, and psychically fritzed his containment chamber to escape a millennia-long incarceration....

November 17, 2022 · 5 min · 1023 words · Eula Gray

Doctor Who Season 12 Meeting The New Master

While Jodie Whittaker’s first season of Doctor Who kept things fresh with mainly new villains for the Thirteenth Doctor and her companions to face off against, Season 12 has brought back the Doctor’s “best enemy”: The Master, played brilliantly by Sacha Dhawan (the youngest actor to play the role). Den of Geek had the chance to chat with Jodie Whittaker (the Doctor), Mandip Gill (Yaz), and Tosin Cole (Ryan) about what it was like playing opposite Dhawan’s Master, and what the actor brings to the table… Who is the Master?...

November 17, 2022 · 4 min · 754 words · Mathew Risner

Does Cyberpunk 2077 S Playstation Store Removal Make It The Worst Launch Ever

Cyberpunk 2077 developer CD Projekt Red was quick to respond to this decision with one of their “yellow background tweets of doom” that have come to define the year in Cyberpunk 2077 updates. In it, the team noted they were aware of Sony’s decision and are still working to improve the game and get it back on the PlayStation Store as soon as possible. The word you want to use at times like this is “surprising....

November 17, 2022 · 6 min · 1264 words · Denise Patrick

Does Marvel S Moon Knight Deserve A Season 2

“Why else would we be in Cairo?” When Oscar Isaac asked that question in a viral TikTok video with director Mohamed Diab, it sparked hopes that a new season of Moon Knight was in the works. After all, since the first season ended its run in May, there has been no clear sign of what the future holds for Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockley in the Marvel Cinematic Universe....

November 17, 2022 · 5 min · 979 words · Michele Chancellor

Don T Breathe Fede Alvarez Talks Finding New Thriller

It once again stars Levy along with Dylan Minnette (Goosebumps), playing two of the three petty criminals breaking into homes for money to try to get out of a recession-torn Detroit. When they learn of an old blind veteran (Stephen Lang) living on the outskirts of town with a large sum of cash in his house, they break in late at night, not realizing that the man’s military skills make him a much bigger threat than they’ll ever be....

November 17, 2022 · 13 min · 2759 words · Natalia Cada

Ducktales Season 3 Episode 10 Review The Trickening

Sometimes it’s nice to just sit back and watch your characters have fun. Amidst all the character development, the large cast, and the promise of an upcoming big Darkwing Duck episode, I’m glad DuckTales took the chance to just have a romp of an adventure this week. As much as fans always want every episode to be BIG and important and tell us something new about the world or the characters, we can’t have those big moments without a little time for a status quo to set in....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 500 words · Nancy Crouch

Endeavour Series 8 Episode 2 Review Morse Haunted By Ghosts Of His Past

For those of us who don’t share Morse’s musical bent – and we’ll be due a snooty glare from our man Endeavour, as his wicked(ish) stepmother Gwen (Lynda Rooke) would no doubt be the first to warn us – a word on that episode title is needed. A scherzo’s a movement in a symphony or sonata distinguished by its light, playful tone. Bit of fun on writer Russell Lewis’s part, surely?...

November 17, 2022 · 4 min · 673 words · Roberta Hunter

Ethan Hawke Horror S Unique Scream King

In that one image, we see the secret to Ethan Hawke’s late-career turn toward horror. After establishing himself as one of the greatest leading men from Generation X, Hawke developed a reputation for playing sensitive and vulnerable characters, given to fits of thoughtful melancholy. But with movies such as The Purge, The Black Phone, and even the Marvel television show Moon Knight, Hawke is reinventing himself as a true scream king....

November 17, 2022 · 5 min · 1036 words · Jestine Galloway

Evil Season 2 Episode 2 Review A Is For Angel

Evil Season 2 Episode 2 Evil season 2, episode 2, “A Is for Angel,” finds a new twist in the series’ main thrust. It is a monster-of-the-week installment which may result in an exorcism, but this time the intruding influence is not demonic. Raymond (Brandon J. Dirden), a parishioner at St. Johns, is possessed by an angel, or so he claims. On the surface, it may appear the presence may not be as malignant as a servant of Satan, but it is equally diabolical....

November 17, 2022 · 6 min · 1095 words · Helen Davis

Evil Season 2 Episode 3 Review F Is For Fire

Evil Season 2 Episode 3 Evil season 2, episode 3, “F Is for Fire,” begins at its hottest point. Dr Kristen Bouchard (Katja Herbers) is having trouble sleeping, but she’s not being kept awake by some demonic force. Her husband has been off on some mountain climbing expedition, and the last time she tapped an axe, it was into the skull of a serial killer. Even forensic psychologists have needs, and when they do, sometimes the only cure is a nocturnal mission....

November 17, 2022 · 5 min · 879 words · Thomas Andrews

Fear Street Part 2 1978 Review Gory Sequel Expands Universe

Playing with late ‘70s and early ‘80s stalk and slash traditions, the movie is most clearly influenced by Friday the 13th and provides an origin story for a masked killer similar to Jason Voorhees. But just like Fear Street Part 1: 1994, the sequel takes pleasure in subverting those tropes and also expanding out the wider mythology of its universe. It’s clever, it’s playful, it’s extremely gory and it’s reminiscent of a more innocent time for the genre....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 543 words · Michael Smith

Fear The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 7 The Wrong Side Of Where You Are Now Review

Fear The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 7 “The Wrong Side of Where You Are Now” essentially starts the way it begins, with an injured John Dorie’s fate hanging in the balance. Will he live? Will he die? Hopefully we’ll find out in next week’s midseason finale. I say hopefully, because former The Walking Dead showrunner Scott M. Gimple (who is now an executive producer on Fear The Walking Dead) has a penchant for teasing out cliffhangers....

November 17, 2022 · 4 min · 701 words · Juanita Collins

Fear The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 14 Review Mother

Fear the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 14 After being sidelined for most of the season, Fear the Walking Dead finally throws one of its best characters into the fray. I’m talking about Alicia, of course, who hasn’t gotten nearly enough screen time lately. So it’s interesting (and refreshing) that “Mother” should lean so heavily into what it means to be Madison Clark’s daughter. The episode continues season 6’s trend of unexpected reunions, and this one certainly doesn’t disappoint....

November 17, 2022 · 4 min · 814 words · Amanda Ho

Final Sonic 2 Trailer Misses Out On Referencing A Classic Meme

But towards the end of the trailer, Knuckles taunts Sonic. With audio most likely taken from their big climatic battle, Knuckles insults Sonic with some choice words. “You’re unskilled. Untrained. Unworthy!” Sonic won’t take that lying down. He gets to his feet, rubbing the dirt off his face, and responds with,“You forgot one. Unstoppable.” The Sonic Adventure song “Unknown from M.E.” by Marlon Saunders and Dred Foxx has attained legendary meme status amongst Sonic and casual gaming fans alike....

November 17, 2022 · 2 min · 338 words · Bridget Vandre

Fiona Apple S The Rings Of Power Finale Song Is A Massive Tolkien Callback

Whether The Rings of Power finale shatters your expectations or not will largely depend on how knowledgeable you are of Tolkien lore and the ways the series has remixed canon to hide a few secret identities. Even if you saw some of the big twists coming all along, it still feels cathartic to finally have some long-awaited answers for the show’s biggest mysteries. And when the dust finally settles on the first act of this new Middle-earth saga — the Southlands have been turned into Mordor, the Elves have sealed their fate, and the Balrog is awake in Moria — we’re treated to one final Lord of the Rings easter egg as the screen fades to black and the credits roll....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 467 words · Theresa Dickey